Small Progress Update #1

In the attached images you can see a level that I started blocking out today! It will serve as the main hub connecting two other areas, with the central area acting as a "control center" for the stuff you gotta do in this chapter. It's all temporary textures & lighting of course, but I'm happy with where its going. This whole map is a remake of another level i made a few weeks ago which was much smaller, but had a cool set of interactive things. It just needed to be bigger and more detailed. I have a whole outline for this chapter already written, and I plan for it to be a story beat midway through the game or so. Bonus points if you can identify the key inspiration for this level geometry!

In these updates going forward I will try to keep quiet on story details & other specifics, but I still wanna give you guys a clear idea that we're still working on this.

Thank you all!

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